Rozam | From the Embers

Chris Carboni directs this dynamic logo animation for Rozam Media’s film production division. Designed to screen before each movie, this hand-panted sequence invites the audience to gather around the campfire - a timeless setting for storytelling. As the embers dance into the sky, and shadows encroach and retreat in response to the flickering light, a swirl of sparks takes flight giving birth to the Rozam logo.

Produced in collaboration with Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv and Thornberg & Forrester

Creative spark.

Since the dawn of time, stories have been told by fire-side. The inviting warmth drawing people in close while the flickering light and cast shadows spark the imagination. It is said that cave paintings were often designed to feature two images at once so that when illuminated by the dancing light of the fire they would appear to move.

Our logo animation for Rozam seeks to capture that feeling. Whether it be a movie theater filled with a large audience, or a family gathering in a dimly lit living room, there is a clear connection between the glow of the screen and the flicker of the flames - we know we are settling in for a good story.